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What are Terror Babies?

A recent survey by the Pew Hispanic Center study claims that almost 1 in every 12 babies born in the U.S. during 2008 were born to illegal immigrants. This study comes on the heels of a recent story involving ‘terror babies’ which is the new fear term circulating in the media regarding terrorists and immigration. Several Texas lawmakers are making media appearances discussing ‘terror babies’ and media outlets in several markets are asking for proof regarding these new terrorist cells.

Anchor baby is a term frequently used for children born in the U.S. to illegal immigrants. These children are granted U.S. citizenship under the 14th Amendment. The new term ‘terror babies,’ takes these anchor babies who are U.S. citizens back to other countries to train as terrorist. As U.S. citizens, after their training, these children will travel back to the U.S. These U.S. born terrorists are allowed into the U.S. without any problems and they can then plan attacks from within the U.S. These stories are frightening, but no proof exists that these scenarios are truthful. Many believe this fear mongering is being used to scare the U.S. public into changing the often controversial 14th Amendment’s automatic citizenship provision.

Recently, Congressman Louie Gohmert and Representative Debbie Riddle have appeared on Anderson 360 with Anderson Cooper and have discussed these ‘terror babies.’ Unfortunately neither could provide any evidence that these stories actually exist. Both Riddle and Gohmert state they have spoken with “former FBI officials.” CNN contributor Tom Fuentes, has spoken with over 75 FBI offices across the globe with no credible reports of any plans of terror babies.

Horror stories and urban legends have long been used to frighten voters into changing policies and influencing lawmakers. For examples, see Arizona immigration reform and marijuana laws circa the 1930’s. Fear has a powerful effect on any issue and immigration is no different. Myth vs. reality has always been problematic. Many voters have been told Obama is not doing enough to enforce immigration, in fact he has deported more illegal immigrants than his predecessor, with even higher numbers expected in the future. No amount of truth can change people’s fears; there will always be something to fear in America. Unfortunately many allow the media to determine who or what to fear rather than seeing that most campfire stories are created for a reason.
Houston immigration attorneys