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1 in 5 incorrectly believe Obama is Muslim

While scanning the internet today I ran across an article showing that some Americans are uninformed regarding our President. A poll conducted by the Pew Research Center shows that Americans, almost 1 in 5 Americans (18 percent), incorrectly believe President Barack Obama is Muslim. Shockingly this percentage has increased since February 2009. At that time, 11 percent believed he was Muslim and 34 percent were unsure of his religion. In the most recent poll 43 percent stated they did not know his religion and 34 percent correctly believe he is Christian.

The poll was conducted prior to the controversy surrounding the mosque scheduled to be built near the World Trade Center site. President Obama recently announced that he believes Muslims should have the right to build an Islamic Center in the area. The poll numbers have most likely increased with the Presidents recent statements regarding religious freedoms. A poll conducted by Time magazine after the comments regarding the mosque show 24 percent believe he is Muslim.

The Pew Research Center analysts believe the extensive attacks by political opponents and Obama’s limited attendance at religious services are intensifying the confusion among the American public. Many of of the people interviewed believe his name, Barack Hussein Obama sounds Muslim. No one in the study mentioned if he looked Muslim. The White House has made no comment on the poll findings, but Pastor Kirbyjon Caldwell made a statement to the Associated Press stating he has known the President for years and he is Christian and prays daily. Caldwell believes false media reports present “the president in a false light.”

I believe certain news outlets (read Fox News), onslaughts of chain emails, and outspoken political opponents are all using fear to divide our nation. My initial reaction is, to quote Joy Behar, ‘so what, who cares.’ What if he is Muslim? But after seeing how building a Muslim center of worship has caused an uproar it makes sense. Certain groups within our country have chosen to make all Muslims part of the evil Islamic jihad, and have included the President in this group. The Mayflower traveled to America with passengers trying to escape religious persecution, but by making terrorist and Muslim synonymous, America has allows this same type of persecution on our soil. I believe the undertones of hate and fear will only subside when the President takes the Cheney/Bush approach to silencing his detractors. Come on Mr. President, stop treating America like Harvard educated people and remember Fox news is the number one news program for a reason.
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