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Justice Ginsburg discussed possible third female justice

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg recently spoke with the Associated Press regarding her retirement, Elena Kagan’s nomination and the loss of her husband this past June. Ginsburg, 77, was recently treated for cancer, and many have speculated that she would retire soon. Ginsburg is excited about the possibility of having three women on the Supreme Court and has stated she wants to continue her position on the highest court in the nation.
Ginsburg, who was nominated by President Bill Clinton in 1993, noted that her age is not a factor in her job abilities. Ginsburg has stated that the work which is “all-consuming, constantly challenging” helped with the recent passing of her husband Martin from cancer. The couple was married for 56 years and at the age of 77, Ginsburg states she wants to continue her position in the tradition of Justice Louis Brandeis, who held his position until the age of 82. Ginsburg is currently the oldest justice, due to the retirement of Justice Stevens at the age of 90.
Ginsburg has been stoic in her recent battles with illness and loss. Ginsburg was treated for pancreatic cancer in 2009 and underwent chemotherapy as well as surgical intervention as part of her treatment. Her husband’s death in June was traumatic, but she continued to serve on the court, even the day after his passing. She noted she read the opinion for the controversial case because of her husbands support for her career. Ginsburg still continues to be active and travels frequently, often with her children who are supportive of her endeavors.
Ginsburg also discussed the recent Senate debate on Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan. Ginsburg believes Kagan will be confirmed and stated with three women serving for the first time, stating “to me, it’s one of the most exhilarating developments.” Ginsburg discussed former justice Sandra Day O’Connor’s retirement after 25 years. During that time she was the only female on the court and states she did not like being alone in the position. Now with the possibility of three female justices, Ginsburg wants to continue her passionate service to the court and enjoy the company.
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