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1 in 5 incorrectly believe Obama is Muslim

While scanning the internet today I ran across an article showing that some Americans are uninformed regarding our President. A poll conducted by the Pew Research Center shows that Americans, almost 1 in 5 Americans (18 percent), incorrectly believe President Barack Obama is Muslim. Shockingly this percentage has increased since February 2009. At that time, 11 percent believed he was Muslim and 34 percent were unsure of his religion. In the most recent poll 43 percent stated they did not know his religion and 34 percent correctly believe he is Christian.

The poll was conducted prior to the controversy surrounding the mosque scheduled to be built near the World Trade Center site. President Obama recently announced that he believes Muslims should have the right to build an Islamic Center in the area. The poll numbers have most likely increased with the Presidents recent statements regarding religious freedoms. A poll conducted by Time magazine after the comments regarding the mosque show 24 percent believe he is Muslim.

The Pew Research Center analysts believe the extensive attacks by political opponents and Obama’s limited attendance at religious services are intensifying the confusion among the American public. Many of of the people interviewed believe his name, Barack Hussein Obama sounds Muslim. No one in the study mentioned if he looked Muslim. The White House has made no comment on the poll findings, but Pastor Kirbyjon Caldwell made a statement to the Associated Press stating he has known the President for years and he is Christian and prays daily. Caldwell believes false media reports present “the president in a false light.”

I believe certain news outlets (read Fox News), onslaughts of chain emails, and outspoken political opponents are all using fear to divide our nation. My initial reaction is, to quote Joy Behar, ‘so what, who cares.’ What if he is Muslim? But after seeing how building a Muslim center of worship has caused an uproar it makes sense. Certain groups within our country have chosen to make all Muslims part of the evil Islamic jihad, and have included the President in this group. The Mayflower traveled to America with passengers trying to escape religious persecution, but by making terrorist and Muslim synonymous, America has allows this same type of persecution on our soil. I believe the undertones of hate and fear will only subside when the President takes the Cheney/Bush approach to silencing his detractors. Come on Mr. President, stop treating America like Harvard educated people and remember Fox news is the number one news program for a reason.
Houston immigration lawyer

Suicides Increasing Among Border Patrol Agents

A recent increase in the number of Border Patrol agents in the U.S. has administrators searching for both a cause and a preventative measure to help their employees deal with the stress. Federal officials working with the Border Patrol believe the string of recent suicides, 15 since February 2008, are not associated with the agency or the job. However the surge in numbers has others seeking answers.
The job of Border Patrol agent offers job seekers $37,000 per year starting salaries. The position offers benefits but in recent years the job has become more regimented and has many wondering if the monotony is effecting agents in a negative way. Although Customs and Border Protection denies the job stressors and suicides are connected, the agency is pushing suicide prevention initiatives such as training for signs of suicidal employees, and videos for supervisors and employees.
The Border Protection agency has not publically commented on the suicides but confirmed the number of recent employee suicides. The Associated Press verified the names of the employees by obtaining records using the Freedom of Information Act. Several employees contacted by the AP made statements on an anonymous basis, and several employees discussed the training video provided by the Border Patrol. The video discusses signs of suicide, and forbids agents from attending funerals of colleagues in uniform. The Customs and Border Protection agency head of human resources Christine Gaugler. states “There is no uptick. It has nothing to do with our hiring, we are just responding to the suicides that have occurred.”
The job of Border Patrol agent is one that is highly stressful and many employees fear for their personal safety on a daily basis. Many work in conditions where drug cartels and smugglers often wound, maim, and kill anyone who impedes their progress. Agents are in the line of fire daily and work 12 hour shifts watching for illegal immigrants entering the country. The agents also deal with hostile citizens and the stressors of finding dead bodies along the border as well as people in poor health after traveling in severe condition across the desert areas. Combined with the recent incident of a shooting of a young Mexican boy along the border by agents has employees of the Border Patrol fearing any incident could become a matter of international proportions.
The increase in suicides for Border Patrol agents is shocking and hopefully a temporary spike rather than a trend. The employees that committed suicide recently left no final messages or suicide notes and therefore no one can be certain the specific cause. This is possibly one of the few times that immigration reform cannot help. The Border Patrol agents face numerous stressors in their day to day job duties. Border Patrol agency administrators need to look closer at the employee morale and try to find ways help these employees deal with the stressors of what appears to be a necessary but seemingly impossible job with little or no reward for their efforts.
Houston immigration attorney

What are Terror Babies?

A recent survey by the Pew Hispanic Center study claims that almost 1 in every 12 babies born in the U.S. during 2008 were born to illegal immigrants. This study comes on the heels of a recent story involving ‘terror babies’ which is the new fear term circulating in the media regarding terrorists and immigration. Several Texas lawmakers are making media appearances discussing ‘terror babies’ and media outlets in several markets are asking for proof regarding these new terrorist cells.

Anchor baby is a term frequently used for children born in the U.S. to illegal immigrants. These children are granted U.S. citizenship under the 14th Amendment. The new term ‘terror babies,’ takes these anchor babies who are U.S. citizens back to other countries to train as terrorist. As U.S. citizens, after their training, these children will travel back to the U.S. These U.S. born terrorists are allowed into the U.S. without any problems and they can then plan attacks from within the U.S. These stories are frightening, but no proof exists that these scenarios are truthful. Many believe this fear mongering is being used to scare the U.S. public into changing the often controversial 14th Amendment’s automatic citizenship provision.

Recently, Congressman Louie Gohmert and Representative Debbie Riddle have appeared on Anderson 360 with Anderson Cooper and have discussed these ‘terror babies.’ Unfortunately neither could provide any evidence that these stories actually exist. Both Riddle and Gohmert state they have spoken with “former FBI officials.” CNN contributor Tom Fuentes, has spoken with over 75 FBI offices across the globe with no credible reports of any plans of terror babies.

Horror stories and urban legends have long been used to frighten voters into changing policies and influencing lawmakers. For examples, see Arizona immigration reform and marijuana laws circa the 1930’s. Fear has a powerful effect on any issue and immigration is no different. Myth vs. reality has always been problematic. Many voters have been told Obama is not doing enough to enforce immigration, in fact he has deported more illegal immigrants than his predecessor, with even higher numbers expected in the future. No amount of truth can change people’s fears; there will always be something to fear in America. Unfortunately many allow the media to determine who or what to fear rather than seeing that most campfire stories are created for a reason.
Houston immigration attorneys

40 Billionaires Donate Half Their Wealth

In June, billionaire Warren Buffett and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates began a charitable giving campaign known as the Giving Pledge. The campaign was started to encourage the wealthiest families to become philanthropists, by pledging to donate half their fortunes to charity. The campaign has been successful so far with at least 40 individuals including Michael Bloomberg, Ted, Turner, George Lucas and Barron Hilton pledging to donate half their wealth to charity, either during their lifetimes or after their death. A complete list of individuals can be found on the website http://www.givingpledge.org.

Gates and Buffett began the pledge during a series of meetings by philanthropists regarding future charitable donations. The pledge was started as part of an initiative to allow the wealthiest individuals to provide the gift of a better world for their children and grandchildren, rather than just an inheritance. Buffett also believes these philanthropic gifts by billionaires could boost others who are not as wealthy to give donations to charities and non-profit organizations.

Buffett and Gates have personally spoken with 70 to 80 individuals who are on Forbes 400 list of wealthy individuals. Buffett stated “… more philanthropy, and smarter philanthropy in the future is the goal.” However, not everyone who has been contacted has been willing to give. Some have declined due to political and personal dissatisfaction with government. Others have stated they want to keep their money in the family. Michael Bloomberg disagrees with this idea and stated he made the pledge because he has more money than he could ever use himself.

These pledges are made out of moral obligation, there is no contract. The giving pledge offers each individual an opportunity to post a letter on the website regarding their personal reason for pledging and where they believe their money should be used after their death. The amounts and causes vary, with some such as Oracle’s Larry Ellison pledging to give “at least 95%” of his wealth. Others like Domino’s Pizza founder Thomas Monaghan, and Barron Hilton believe their pledges are based on their religious upbringings.

Monaghan who promotes Catholic higher education stated in his pledge “ I came into the world penniless and as a Catholic Christian, I know that I cannot take any of it with me, so it has long been my desire to use the material resources that I have been blessed to help others in the most meaningful way possible.” Barron Hilton noted his father Conrad Hilton’s belief in God in his pledge. Hilton stated “Throughout his life, he embraced the power of prayer, and felt it was our God-given responsibility to alleviate the suffering of the most disadvantaged among us.”

Some naysayers believe the money will given away to the arts and universities rather than deserving organizations who help the poor. I for one say it’s at least a start. Giving money to any charitable organization is better than allowing families to continue a dynasty of spending sprees. Would Conrad Hilton rather see another business school bearing his last name or the recent photos of Paris Hilton partying on a yacht in the Mediterranean on a summer long European vacation. Would any of those pledge givers want that to be their legacy?

Houston probate attorneys

Justice Ginsburg discussed possible third female justice

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg recently spoke with the Associated Press regarding her retirement, Elena Kagan’s nomination and the loss of her husband this past June. Ginsburg, 77, was recently treated for cancer, and many have speculated that she would retire soon. Ginsburg is excited about the possibility of having three women on the Supreme Court and has stated she wants to continue her position on the highest court in the nation.
Ginsburg, who was nominated by President Bill Clinton in 1993, noted that her age is not a factor in her job abilities. Ginsburg has stated that the work which is “all-consuming, constantly challenging” helped with the recent passing of her husband Martin from cancer. The couple was married for 56 years and at the age of 77, Ginsburg states she wants to continue her position in the tradition of Justice Louis Brandeis, who held his position until the age of 82. Ginsburg is currently the oldest justice, due to the retirement of Justice Stevens at the age of 90.
Ginsburg has been stoic in her recent battles with illness and loss. Ginsburg was treated for pancreatic cancer in 2009 and underwent chemotherapy as well as surgical intervention as part of her treatment. Her husband’s death in June was traumatic, but she continued to serve on the court, even the day after his passing. She noted she read the opinion for the controversial case because of her husbands support for her career. Ginsburg still continues to be active and travels frequently, often with her children who are supportive of her endeavors.
Ginsburg also discussed the recent Senate debate on Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan. Ginsburg believes Kagan will be confirmed and stated with three women serving for the first time, stating “to me, it’s one of the most exhilarating developments.” Ginsburg discussed former justice Sandra Day O’Connor’s retirement after 25 years. During that time she was the only female on the court and states she did not like being alone in the position. Now with the possibility of three female justices, Ginsburg wants to continue her passionate service to the court and enjoy the company.
Houston Texas attorneys